I didn't look at the listing, so excuse me if I'm asking an obvious question. Are you saying that the total shipping for 3 yds is 7.50? If so, that doesn't sound so out there. I shipped out 3 yds this last week and it was 9.55 for Priority. It was a knit, so wouldn't fit in a fre. 3 yds of woven would most certainly fit in flat rate. Also, not everyone can do a pickup. I have a rural lock box and while I'm sure they *would* do it, I don't feel comfy leaving things out by the community mailbox or even on my step, and I'm out in the mornings when the truck comes. I do print all fr postage at home and do dropoffs all at once, so don't charge anything extra for that, but I do always have a make a 15 mile trip to take care of those things.

I'm sorry you feel overcharged. I'm just trying to point out that what she's saying could possibly have validity. I hope you're able to work things out with the seller.