Quote Originally Posted by northernmama View Post
that is unfortunate but i really think as a responsible seller, she should have kept her customers informed. her website is still running, the least she could do is to put something like..currently down will not take orders till further notice or something along that lines..that will sure save a lot of mamas the grief....life events happen but that dont mean the world has to come to an end.

she will probably be spending a lot of her time building her store's reputation and i must say its unfortunate that it has resort to this since she does have great fabric.

This is really unfortunate truly for her and her family. I know she is in a bad place but as a customer a quick email would have been fine with me and I would wait a little longer no need to give details just a family emergency and keep in touch would have been ok with me not drop off the face of the earth although when hub leaves you that is how it feels...I just am so frustrated that so many get on here saying how great she is and the great customer service etc cause it just does not help at all when a few are getting nothing not even customer service.....hope she can pull through and come out stronger but I would not tell anyone to shop at her store at this time period for fear they might loose their money and their goods