Some of you may have seen the little jammies I made for my SweetPea. I trimmed the neckline, sleeve cuff and hem of the top.

I used single fold bias tape in the attachment, and slipped it through the last wide slot - I used a stiletto (looks like a mini ice pick) to help feed it all the way through the binder before beginning, but a pin or needle would work fine. Once you get the binding all the way through the attachment and beyond the needle, insert the fabric into the left-side guide. Then place your rick rack on top of that and sloooooowly begin. Always practice first on a long strip of fabric.

You can slide the guide left or right (the hole where the needle goes through) to place the stitching in the right place along the bias so it catches the underside, too.

Curves can be accomplished too!

Just remember to practice and go slooooooooow.

Because this rick rack was a bit narrower, I let it just catch the edge of the swells. This gave it a lacier look.
