Yeah, go for it Karleen. If you like the way it 'drives', it'll be just great. You'll be able to do pretty much everything the one with all the 'bells and whistles' can do. I have a great new Bernina with lots of bells and whistles and to be honest, 99% of the time, I only use the basic stitches. I had a wonderful old top of the line Pfaff for over 20 years and only ever used the basic stuff on that too. It's kinda like cars really. You can get the wonderful top of line models and yes, they're lovely but they still only get you from point A to point B the same as a little cheapie runaround would.

You'll be able to sew whatever you like. As a beginner sewer, I think the NS-30 will suit you just fine.

Hopefully, when our 'merican friends wake up, they'll be able to put their 2 bobs worth in.

All the best!