OK, now on to the sewing of the Laguna

You should have two spirals from each fabric at this point. If you want a single color skirt where fabric B only shows when your little one twirls, leave the fabrics in the same order as they were cut. If you would like a two tone skirt, which is what I will be making, take one set of spirals and reverse the order so that fabric B is on top of Fabric A.


Here is an image showing how the fabrics are laid out.


Next clip a 3-4 cm angled cut off of the end of the bottom layer of each set of spirals. It's to make things line up better when hemming and finishing the skirt.


The next step is to stitch both layers of each spiral together on their inner edge. You do so with both right sides facing up. This joins the two layers together in preparation for joining the two spirals together. After this step you will have two spirals which are double layered.

5. From here on out, the set of layered spirals with Fabric A on top is Fabric A Spiral and the other is Fabric B Spiral. Starting from the center of the circle, you are going to spread apart the two layers of Fabric Spiral A so that you can sew the bottom layer outer edge to both layers of Fabric Spiral B along it's inner edge. It seems a bit awkward at first as the outer edge of one spiral is going against the inner edge of the other so the edges seem like they don't fit together very well. This is the part that is most confusing so hopefully I'm making some sense.

I'm serging the first spiral seam here. I'm going slowly, removing the pins as I go and keeping the extra layers from getting caught in the stitches or anywhere near the knife. Once this seam has been stitched, I'll have something like this

The image is showing the wrong side of the skirt so that the seam is visible.

OK, I'm going to split the rest into another reply so hang on