Okay, you asked for it...here it is! Now please keep in mind this is just my technique, I have no idea how you are "really" supposed to do it, but this clearly works!

Step 1 - Decide where you want to add your ruching. For this tutorial I am using hem tape which works wonderful and this was a really great match to my fabric, but of course you could make your own for a perfect match.

Step 2 - Pin your hem tape on to your garment. I have done it both on the front and back of the garment but it all depends on the look you want, but the technique is the same. On this on I am putting it on the back. Fold under the bottom edge for a more finished look.

Step 3 - finish pinning everything in place and be sure everything is straight and all wrinkles are smoothed out.

Step 4 - Sew a straight stitch down both sides of the tape, staying close to the edge and then another row directly down the middle. Be sure to leave both ends open. Now you have two channels.

Step 5 - Sew all your tapes in place, tie off ends and clip stray threads.

Step 6 - Now you simply thread a ribbon up one side and down the other. Be sure that the tails of your ribbon hang out from the bottom and that you have plenty left over for tying a pretty bow. I use a good old safety pin for this but I know there are many new and clever gadgets out there for doing the same thing.

This is what it should look like.

Here all three of mine are complete and ready for "Ruching"

Step 7 - Now simply gather the garment by sliding it up the ribbons and then tie it off on the bottom with a bow. The great thing about this technique is it's totally adjustable. You can make it "very ruchy" or just a little bit. It just depends on your preference.

Here is the end result. This is just the beginning of a skirt for Miss Abby. I will post the final product in a little bit.

I hope this helps! If you have any questions please feel free to PM me.