Sew up the sides and top and bottom leaving a space on the bottom for turning. Try to go right along the outside seams so that the center mark is in the center of the roll when you turn it. If your kids are anything like mine, double back a few times over the bias handle ties... it keeps them in place better and the whole thing lasts longer. ;)

Turn the roll right side out and pin and sew across the bottom.

Add pencils and Mad Lib or other similar sized book!

These pockets are big enough for Stockmar Pencils and chubby crayons (although you will have to make the chubby crayon holders shorter) with out bunching the fabric. It holds 8 pencils (could hold 10 without bunching but not more)

I hope this was clear... I am finding it hard to not show every tiny step that I am talking about. Hopefully you get the general idea though.
