Attach the boob tube and finish edges

We're almost finished. The only problem is that I forgot to take fics of this step. It's pretty easy, like attaching a bodice to a skirt for a dress. I'm pretty sure you're experts on this matter.

1. Lay Body piece with wings down (body piece and wings right sides together, as when you pinned) Then lay the tube around, right side of the tube fabcing wrong side of the wings. Marking quarters help a lot here as well. Match quarters and pin, stretching boob tube to fit

2. Topstitch if you feel like. This seam will be throught a lot of pressure when tying so it's highly recommended to reinforce. I have not topstitched yet for this pic but I will as soon as I find my double needle

3. Finish body hem (I used lettuce edge again). Go to the site and have fun tying. Beg your partner to take a pic for the board