Pattern Manufacturer
Pattern Name/Number
7189 - round neck dress, tunic,pants
Pattern Description
Round neck tunic or dress with or without sleeves, and pants. Toddler size 1-4.
Which view and size did you make?
Sz 1 width, size 2 length for 18mo DD
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?
If not, why?
Were the instructions easy to follow?
If not, why?
Easy but watch your seam finishing as they seem to ignore that whole aspect of sewing.
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
This is really a timeless, comfortable, cute style for a toddler in the summer.
Fabric used
Quilting woven bird, and green linen
Pattern alterations or any design changes you made or would recommend
Again, seam finishing. You also might want to stitch the neckline and then sandwich the bodice between the yokes rather than use bias on the neckline, which seems odd given you have a lining in place already.
Would you sew this pattern again?
Would you recommend this pattern to others?
Any additional comments
Don't let that strange chicken dress on the cover scare you off - it's a cute style for little ones without the chicken theme.
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