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Thread: Tutorial- making shirts special needs friendly/bib

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    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Tutorial- making shirts special needs friendly/bib

    *I apologize in advance for the pictures, my camera was dropped and now my flash doesn't work and many pictures come out horribly blurry *

    I was recently asked to make some premade sweatshirts easier to use for someone who's hard to dress, due to physical limitations. The same technique works wonderfully to make long or body covering bibs/aprons.

    First- be sure the fit is correct- if being worn as clothing or slightly larger than needed- if being used for aprons/bibs.

    Matching the sides of the neckline, fold the back of the shirt in half

    Cut down the center of the middle back, be sure to do so as evenly as possible if being worn as clothing.

    Using binding, ribbon, fabric strips or tying closure of your choice, serge them to the cut edge of the back center (be sure to place them evenly, especially when being worn as clothing)

    When you're finished- you'll have a shirt, perfectly wearable and MUCH easier to use for those who have special needs. *Please note, the reason the edge is serged only is to prevent a seam from rubbing or creating any irritation. You can, of course, turn the serged edge and top stitch, but if it's for someone who isn't ambulatory, I'd check with their primary caregiver before creating new seams*

    Use this technique to make oversized bibs or aprons for a classroom, craft session or messy eaters. Line with PUL, ProCare or other waterproof backing to prevent having soaked clothing. You can also alter any pattern for this purpose, by cutting the back piece in half before or after construction.

    Please let me know if anything is unclear.
    Last edited by Mamaof3; 09-30-2011 at 07:07 PM.

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