Pattern Manufacturer
Ottobre design
Pattern Name/Number
#26 1/11 Bouncing Forward
Pattern Description
Outerwear pants
Which view and size did you make?
Size 104
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?
If not, why?
I made some alterations to the given pattern
Were the instructions easy to follow?
If not, why?
The actual instructions given were easy to follow, but more detail in some parts would be nice for less confident sewers.
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
It would have been nice to have a description or instruction for how the pockets went together - as a newbie to this type of pocket I found it a little confusing and ended up just doing what I thought worked!
Fabric used
Pattern alterations or any design changes you made or would recommend
none other that that mentioned above - they're great pants!
Design changes - I left out the elastic cord part, as knowing my son he'd have then in knots or broken within a week! I only added one pocket as he didn't want two.
Would you sew this pattern again?
Would you recommend this pattern to others?
Any additional comments
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