Cargo pocket 2 - A pleat is sweet & neat

I cut the fabric for this pocket at 7 1/2 " * 10"

Turn the fabric wrong side up

Fold it in half

Measure how deep you want your pleat to be & mark - I measured 2 inches from the folded end of the fabric.
(The pic for this is sideways :-()

Stitch about 3/4- 1" at the top and bottom . This pic is sideways too...

Open out the fabric ends....

Form the pleat at the center

Top view of the pleat

You can stitch the edges of the pleat if you desire - I have stitched it to make it more visible for the sew-along

The rest of the steps are similar to Cargo pocket 1 - Fold the top end under & sew. Fold under the other 3 edges. Iron. Place the pocket in the desired place on the pants and sew it in place.

Cargo Pocket 2 is ready.....