Cargo Pocket 3 - Fold to the left, fold to the right

I cut the fabric for this pocket at 7 1/2" * 9"

Turn the top edge under and sew

Fold under seam allowance on the other 3 edges. Iron.

Fold the the left and right sides of the pocket over to the size you want the finished pocket to be. I think I turned it under 1 1/2". Iron.

Top stitch the left and right edges.

Open out the edges of the pocket at left and right

You will be sewing the edges of the pocket to your pant piece by placing it underneath the topstitched fold of the pocket on either side. (I can't think of and easier way to explain that - hopefully you can figure it out from the pictures)

With the left and right edges sewn to the pant.

Sew the bottom edge of the pocket.

The finished pocket. (If you want you can sew the top ends of the pocket down to keep the top of the pocket flat.)

Cargo pocket 3 is ready.......