Alterations: If you look at the model shot of this dress, it is SUPER wide in the otto. I did not care for that look at all so I did my typical otto width at 80 with a height of 92. I used the 98 length, and I probably could have gone a little longer. I think the width is still a little wide, but I really like the fit on her.

Since I decided not to do the petals, I decided to do some nice detail work. I did my first hand-picked zipper, and I am in LOVE with this zipper. I think it would look even nicer with a better fabric, but I see myself doing many more of these. I used the technique from the Encyclopedia of Sewing Machine Techniques. I love that book!

I planned to do a blind hem on the hem, but I realized that I needed my stitches to go with the grain of the skirt. I ended up handsewing the hem, but I found a trick that really sped up the sewing. I used beeswax to coat the thread before I started sewing, and it kept my thread from tangling.