This has been on my to-do list forever. In the end, it was more intimidating than actually difficult. Rather than cut all the fabrics in one of three sizes and then try to re-size them and get them laid out properly, I figured out which fabrics would go where and cut the proper size pieces from the start. Of course, this resulted in having 11 pattern pieces, but you really need them anyway if you are going to cut the big pieces down.

I used my ruffler to gather the pieces for the panels and then again for the bottom ruffle. Since I assembled the parts on my serger and used my second sewing machine for topstitching, I didn't have to do too much back and forth. If I could figure out how to get my machine to play nice and attach the ruffle piece to the other fabric while it's being ruffled, that would have sped things up immensely.

It is a very full twirly skirt, though, and the six year old is quite happy with the end result.

I made this in a 128 with 20.5" of 1" elastic in the waist. I don't know if I'll make it again. There are plenty of other twirly options out there.