This is a tutorial on how I turn a man's polo shirt into a little boys. I will try to make it very simple, but I have not done this before

1. take the man's shirt and cut out the outline of a shirt or pattern that fits leaving the top in tact.

it should look like this now

2. put the sleeves that you cut out and re cut to fit the new arm hole.

You should now have this

3. Turn shirt inside out and sew up the sides from arm hole down to the bottom

keep the shirt inside out.

4. Sew the sleeves up

5. Turn the sleeves right side out and put inside the shirt so that right sides are facing and the arm pit hems are together.

6. Sew the sleeves all the way around to connect them to the shirt

7. Do the same to the other arm.
8. hem the bottom
9. turn right side out and your done!

Please let me know if I have not explained something very well!!