I put together a little tutorial on how to make a kid's tool belt. Sorry for the less than steller pics.....I'm hoping to replace them one of these days!


about 1/4 yard cotton twill.....canvas would look nice if your machine can sew through really thick layers.
contrasting thread
webbing long enough for the child's waist plus about 8"
side release buckle
you can also use a belt instead of the webbing and buckle


Main Piece: 6" x 9"- Cut 2
Large Pocket: 5.75" x 4.5"- Cut 2
Small Pocket: 4.75" x 3.5"- Cut 2
Hammer Loop: 5.5" x 4"
If you want two pouches, cut 2 sets of everything

Sew two Main Pieces together, right sides facing each other. Make sure and leave a couple of inches unsewn on one of the short sides, so you can turn it right side out! Repeat with Large and Small Pockets. With the pockets, leave the turning hole on the longest side.

Trim the points off the corners.

Turn all three (Main, Large, and Small) right side out, using a point turner or chopstick to get the corners square. Press. Stitch along each open side on your Main Piece and Pockets. This will close the hole and topstitch the pocket also.

Fold the top of the Main Piece over to the back about 2". Stitch down about 1/8" from the edge. This will form a channel for the webbing.

For Hammer Loop, press in half, matching long side to long side. Open up and press one long side to meet the middle pressed line. Repeat with other long side. Press again in half. You will now have double fold bias tape. Stitch along the long sides, about 1/8" in. Take the Hammer Loop. Fold it in half and sew it to the back of the Main Piece so that it sticks out past the edge about an inch and a half or so.

Place Small Pocket on Large Pocket and stitch, sewing on the sides and bottom. Make sure and back stitch well at the top of the pocket, so little hands won't be able to rip the pocket off.

Take this piece and place it on the bottom of the Main Piece. Sew along the sides and the bottom, same as you did with the small pocket.

Take the receiver (what is the real name?!) end of the buckle. Thread the webbing through and sew. Thread through the other buckle and you're done!