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Square-bottom bag

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Uploaded by RocketScientist - 06-06-2009
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Simple square-bottom bag


  • Square-bottom bag


02-25-2010 at 07:32 PM
Chanel's death, since 1983 by the design genius Karl Lagerfeld (KARL LAGERFELD) succession. Karl Lagerfeld has a free, arbitrary and ease of design mentality, he was always incredible works of art into two opposing sense of unity in the design, both dignified and lively again, both French romantic, humorous, another German rigorous and sophisticated. He did not chanel bags shape of lines and color preference, but he was able to understand the design from beginning to end to the "Chanel" in pure style. brand style
Both men, with a strong element of sports clothing (Jersey suit), two-piece tweed suit (Tweed), breaking the old values of artificial jewelry, with a strong feminist color camellias totem, or Marylin Monroe in the The only dress the bed - Chanel No.5, Chanel challenge to the old system, often create new fashion. Ms. Chanel is the most special thing about practical gorgeous, her inspiration from life around the capture, in particular, love. Unlike other designers to ask others to meet their design, Chanel offers a liberating sense of freedom and choice,
The costume design from a male perspective into the performance of the main trends of the autonomy of women's beauty arena. Abandoned the tight-fitting waist, whale bone hoop skirts and long hair, to promote shoulder-style bag with fabric suit, Coco Chanel single-handedly dominated the first half of the twentieth century, a woman's style, attitude and way of life, a simple and comfortable luxury new philosophy , as she said, during his lifetime: "the opposite of beautiful is not poverty, but vulgar."
In January 1971, Coco Chanel died at the age of 88. The main current
chanel handbags designer Karl Lagerfeld took the helm in 1986, he used a new interpretation of the meticulous way, luxury, and never faded spirit of the popular Chanel. The Swedish and German descent has always wearing big black sunglasses designer downright genius in the most praiseworthy of the Department, and he and Coco Chanel, like, full of talent but the blood flow of the deviant. After taking office, he will dress skirt cut in the first quarter break, with bright exaggerated fake jewelry, stunned the fashion industry,
chanel boots momentum will also be in the 20 years towards another peak.
"Chanel represents a style, a unique style with Time", Chanel, Ms. describes himself in the design, not constantly thinking about what to do next, but we should ask ourselves how the performance of that way agitation will never stop. Ms. Chanel confident enthusiasm into the spirit of these shares for every one of her design, Chanel became quite a personal style brand.
cheap chanel bags design with a distinctive personal touch, her pursuit of freedom, but sentimentally attached to a man; she was tough but there are full of independent feminine. Her home - in central France in Auvergne - is full of extinct volcano terrain poor areas, 70-year-old, she has described himself as "Auvergne only an immortal of the active volcano"; Now, look at the brand new faces complicated epidemic industry, Chanel fashion is still an active volcano never be broken.
This article was writen by Lisactrytoo on 2010-2-26 from us-trade company.