Downloads: How to use Quick Turn Tubes

How to use Quick Turn Tubes

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Uploaded by Jennxlynch - 09-30-2012
Author Author Jennxlynch
File Size File Size 208.0 KB
Downloads Downloads 973
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A picture tutorial on how to use your Quick Turn Tubes.


  • How to use Quick Turn Tubes


04-07-2013 at 04:11 PM
Jennyxlynch: Thank you so much for posting this. I have been working on a spaghetti strap for hours and hours! I bought a quick turn at Joann earlier today and I was still struggling! I have been searching for tutorials online, looked at several, still to no avail. Your tutorial made the difference! I can't quite say THANK YOU enough. Now back to my project! Sarah
08-18-2014 at 05:29 AM
Thanks for posting this - it is always such a struggle but you have given me new inspiration!