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Problems logging in to Sewing Mamas?

We strongly recommend that use Firefox as your browser while using Sewing Mamas.   If you notice something weird happening, and you are using a different browser, it may be a browser bug.  Try switching to Firefox to see if the issue resolves. 

Can't find the link to register?  Here you go!!

Everything is marked 'private' No you're not banned. 

If you are attempting to log in, and all forums are marked 'private' or you get a message that says you don't have permission to post, don't despair! This means that you changed some setting -- on your computer or on the site.  First, try logging in.

If that doesn't help, check your email.  You have changed your password or email account.  When you do either of these things you are locked out of Sewing Mamas until you go into your email and click on the 'activate' link again.  See below if you didn't get that email.  You can have it sent again by accessing your Control Panel when you log in.

I signed up but I haven't gotten my email yet. What's the deal?
Occasionally, SewingMamas.com e-mails will get blocked or marked as Junk Mail by your e-mail program. To ensure the delivery of your SewingMamas activation e-mail, follow these instructions for adding Sewing Mamas to your safe sender or 'white list'.

Please choose your e-mail provider/program and follow the directions.  Then request we send the activation email again.

AOL/AIM users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your SewingMamas e-mails are always delivered to your inbox.
  1. Login to http://mail.aol.com/
  2. Click on Contacts on the left-side navigation menu
  3. Click on New on the top navigation bar, then New Contact
  4. For E-mail, enter info@sewingmamas.com
  5. Click Save at top

For more help, see the AOL help site.


Comcast users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your SewingMamas e-mails are always delivered to your inbox.
  1. Login to http://www.comcast.net/qry/goto?app=mail
  2. Click on Address Book link in the left-side menu
  3. Click Add Contact at the top of your Address Book
  4. For E-mail, enter info@sewingmamas.com
  5. Click Add

For more help, see the Comcast help site

Cox.net users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your Sewing Mamas.com e-mails are always delivered to your inbox.
  1. Login to http://webmail.cox.net/
  2. Go to the WebMail Inbox window.
  3. Click Addresses
  4. Under Addresses: All, click New Contact.
  5. For Display Name, enter Sewing Mamas
  6. For E-mail, enter info@sewingmamas.com
  7. Click OK.

For more help, see the Cox.net help site.

Earthlink users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your Sewing Mamas e-mails are always delivered to your inbox.
  1. Login to http://webmail.earthlink.net/
  2. Click on the Address Book link
  3. Click the Add button.
  4. For E-mail, enter info@sewingmamas.com
  5. Click the Save button at the bottom of your screen

For more help, see the Earthlink help site.

Excite users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your Sewing Mamas e-mails are always delivered to your inbox.
  1. Login to http://mail.excite.com/
  2. Click the New Contact button on the Addresses screen.
  3. For E-mail, enter info@sewingmamas.com
  4. Click the Save Changes button.

For more help, see the Excite help site.

Gmail users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your Sewingmamas e-mails are always delivered to your inbox.
  1. Login to http://www.gmail.com/
  2. Click Contacts along the left side of any Gmail page
  3. Click Create Contact
  4. For E-mail, enter info@sewingmamas.com
  5. Click Save

For more help, see the Gmail help site.

Hotmail and MSN Users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your Sewing Mamas e-mails are always delivered to your inbox.
  1. Login to your Hotmail or MSN account
  2. Click Options
  3. On the left side of the page, click Mail, and then click Junk E-Mail Protection
  4. Click Safe List
  5. Enter sewingmamas.com in the field provided, then click Add

For more help, see the Hotmail/MSN help site

Microsoft Outlook users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your Sewing Mamas e-mails are always delivered to your inbox.

For Outlook 2003: (Other versions such as Outlook 2007 and Outlook Express may vary slightly)

  1. From the Tools menu, select Options
  2. Click the Junk E-Mail button
  3. Click the Safe Senders tab
  4. Click the Add button
  5. Enter sewingmamas.com in the text box provided, and click OK

For more help, see the Outlook help site.

Yahoo Users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your Sewing Mamas e-mails are always delivered to your inbox.

For the older-style Yahoo mail, follow these directions:

  1. Login to http://mail.yahoo.com/
  2. Click the Addresses tab
  3. In the Quick Add Contact section at bottom, for E-mail enter info@sewingmamas.com and then click the Add button

And for the new Yahoo mail, try this:

  1. Login to http://mail.yahoo.com/
  2. Click on Contacts in left-side menu
  3. Click Add Contact at top
  4. For E-mail, enter info@sewingmamas.com
  5. Click the Save button at top-right

If you ever find a SewingMamas e-mail in your Yahoo Bulk mail folder, open it and click the Not Spam button.

Not there?

Request the activation email again now that you have corrected your settings.

If you change your email address you'll have to confirm via email again, so the spam settings above apply to you.

If you cannot post in the Boutique, be aware that you must be a Sponsor and have 500 posts to create a post in the boutique.  You must have 100 posts to respond to any post.

If you're using AOL then you'll need to use Firefox or Internet Explorer, both free.  Our site won't work very well for you in AOL.

If you registered more than 6 months ago and have never posted, you may have to re-register.

Copyright © 2005-2009 Sewing Mamas LLC. All rights reserved.