Bella bella pants * added to downloads *
Items needed:
-pattern- My base pattern is otto 3/06 #23. If you don't have otto 3/06, you can order it from sewzannes.
-fabric- I used 1 yd of main and 1 yd of contrast for size 86 (2T) pants. Expect to use about a yard of contrast. Refer to your pattern for the amount of main fabric needed.
-serger- All directions are given for a serger. There are ways to do this on a sewing machine, but they are not all explained in great detail.
-1/2" elastic
-tracing paper- I use Easy Pattern.
-other sewing supplies- I always find that a seam ripper is a good thing to have on hand.
Step 1: Cut out all pieces. For the pants, you will need 2 fronts and 2 backs cut from your main fabric. Also cut 5 rectangles the same length as your frills by the full width of the fabric. I cut 5 rectangles at 3.75" by 44 inches and my 4 frills from the contrast fabric.
Step 2a: Sew up the center seam of the two front pieces right sides together. Put aside for now.
Step 2b: Sew up the center seam of the two back pieces (RST).
Step 3: Spread out your sewn BACK, and copy the general shape onto tracing paper.
Step 4: Bump out the sides of the pattern keeping the waistline the same, and smooth the curve on the bottom of the skirt. Cut the pattern out on a fold to make sure the skirt is the same on both sides. Cut out skirt piece from main fabric.
Step 5: Spend some quality time with your serger doing rolled hems on the bottom of all ruffles and frills. You could also do a narrow hem on all pieces if you do not have a serger or if you don't know how to do rolled hems on a sewing machine.
Step 6: Ruffle the tops of all frills and ruffles. I did this on my serger by setting my stitch length at 5.0 and Diff at 2.0 (on my Husky 936). You could also baste and hand gather all ruffles.