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View Full Version : Ruffle Fabric Skirt

07-22-2013, 01:26 PM
I made this skirt a few years ago, and I took pictures for a tutorial. I finally took the time to put it all together. This skirt is made based on your measurements, and it can be made for kids or adults. The tutorial part of this is pretty sparse, but I made sure to document a few tips that made it easier to sew. For anyone who doesn't know, I don't enjoy sewing this fabric, but these tips make it almost bearable. :)

1-2 yards of ruffle fabric
2-3" wide elastic, 1-2 yards-you will need enough to go around your waist where you wear your skirts
lots of pins
rotary cutter
rotary mat
acrylic ruler

*This tutorial is for a skirt width that is 47" or less (the width of the fabric). If you need a wider skirt, just cut two panels (1/2 of needed width) as instructed below, and you will make two side seams. Make sure to add your seam allowance.*

Step 1: Cut your fabric length. My fabric was 24" long. You will cut the bottom layer under the ruffle so that you can't see the raw edge. There is no need to finish this edge.
http://farm6.staticflickr.c om/5548/9345144316_dda9e45a1 0.jpg

Step 2: Measure the width of your fabric. My width was my hip measurement +5 inches. It really helps to do this on a rotary mat so that you can make sure that all of your lines are straight. Place an acrylic ruler (or yardstick) where you want to cut your width.
http://farm4.staticflickr.c om/3712/9345143746_639887b6a e.jpg

Step 3: Place a line of Wondertape against the edge of the ruler. Your line should be perpendicular to your ruffle lines. This is why it helps to do this on a lined mat. Do NOT remove the paper backing!
http://farm8.staticflickr.c om/7285/9342357807_6eba51030 d.jpg

Step 4: Place your acrylic ruler 1/4" away from the Wondertape line, and cut using your rotary cutter. I now had my hip measurement +5 inches + 1/4 inch.
http://farm8.staticflickr.c om/7444/9345142566_9435825c9 5.jpg

Step 5: Carefully remove the paper backing of the Wondertape
http://farm8.staticflickr.c om/7382/9342356589_21692bf55 a.jpg

Step 6: Match your raw edge ruffles. Make sure that the fabric is smooth when you place it on the Wondertape. Picture is turned.
http://farm6.staticflickr.c om/5500/9342355881_6888538ab c.jpg

Step 7: Turn fabric over to check that ruffles are smooth. The Wondertape will hold the fabric in place. If fabric is not lined up, carefully adjust fabric.
http://farm3.staticflickr.c om/2830/9342354581_3ba7bce13 2.jpg

Step 8: Serge or sew raw edge.
http://farm4.staticflickr.c om/3722/9342354029_aa33759ec 8.jpg

Step 9 (some steps not shown): Make waistband. Measure your waist where you like to wear your waistband using your unstretched elastic. Now, pull it tight by 2-3 inches, and cut elastic.

Serge or zig-zag elastic ends before sewing ends together using a 1/2" seam allowance.
http://farm6.staticflickr.c om/5338/9345160522_b2cb4668b 5.jpg

Finger press ends of elastic open (as shown above), and stitch through both layers of elastic 1/4-3/8" from edge of seam on both ends of elastic. You can kind of see it. **This picture shows this step on the finished skirt.**
http://farm6.staticflickr.c om/5469/9345159222_2effc69de f.jpg

Step 10: Match center back seam of elastic with seam on skirt (right sides together), and pin.

Place the waistband and fabric around your legs, right sides together (non-seamed side of elastic is touching the pretty ruffled side). Stretching just the elastic waistband (it is best to wear jeans for this), match skirt fabric to waistband. Pin every 1.5-2 inches.
**I probably found, matched, and pinned the quarter points on the skirt and waistband first. Then, I continued pinning around the skirt.
http://farm6.staticflickr.c om/5489/9342353111_5125efdf7 b.jpg

http://farm4.staticflickr.c om/3777/9345137706_64dcb977e 0.jpg

http://farm6.staticflickr.c om/5450/9342351661_e7b2c1c67 1.jpg

Step 11 (not shown): Stretching just the elastic waistband to meet the fabric, slowly serge or zig-zag waistband. No NOT sew over pins. Take your time!

Turn out, and you are finished!
http://farm3.staticflickr.c om/2890/9345157634_fa3d7678b 9.jpg

09-20-2013, 03:37 PM
Lovely skirt!