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View Full Version : Zippered Yoke collar tutorial

03-23-2013, 02:44 PM
At least I think that's what they're called! :lol: That might be why I couldn't find any instructions anywhere online or in any books! :think:

Zippered Collar Tutorial

I needed to make a fleece top exactly the same as an existing one and although it was a simple design I had never put in a zippered yoke collar before. No problem I thought, I’l just google it and find a gazillion tutorials. Well, apparently not, I couldn’t find a single one!
I had already committed to making the top for a friend so I decided to figure it out and make a tutorial if possible. It worked!!!

By the way…I have no idea if this is the correct way to do this collar but it is a way that works. I used a continuous zipper tape and a zipper head

1. Cut out the pieces for the collar: 4 pieces in total (2 x 2 mirror). If the right side of the fabric isn’t different from the reverse of the fabric, using chalk mark the reverse side with an X.

2. Assemble the zipper (lots of great videos on Youtube to show you how). I guess you could leave it unassembled and proceed but somehow I prefer to assemble now. Then again, I do have a weird obsession with zips - I love them.

3. Make a fabric sandwich like so: take one collar piece and place it right side up, then put the zipper FACE DOWN on top and then place another collar piece WRONG SIDE UP on top. Align the edges. Pin, glue or baste in place.
https://lh4.googleuserconten t.com/-ogJOLc8bSFY/UU3v6Lj-F9I/AAAAAAAAE3g/ht0597UoLKE/s800/IMG_9652.JPG

4. Make sure the zipper head is at the top but be very careful not to pull it off the zipper. I place a pin at the top of the zipper tape to avoid that.
Using a zipper foot, sew the sandwich down the side.
https://lh6.googleuserconten t.com/-0RPCGkJrtXE/UU3v649Vj2I/AAAAAAAAE3o/FK_qherJJUU/s576/IMG_9653.JPG

5. Fold back both sides of the fabric and press lightly.
https://lh5.googleuserconten t.com/-uOhe_2t39_Y/UU3v72TUfRI/AAAAAAAAE3w/kyoOvy2HvNA/s576/IMG_9654.JPG

6. Next make another sandwich like so:
- take one of the two remaining collar pieces and lay it right side up
- place the zipper FACE DOWN
- finally place the remaining collar piece WRONG SIDE UP

Align the edges.
https://lh5.googleuserconten t.com/-BvH5IEkAcRs/UU3v8tqJIRI/AAAAAAAAE34/llL6QSypwlU/s576/IMG_9655.JPG

7.As before, using a zipper foot, sew the sandwich down the side.

8.Fold back all the fabric pieces, press and tada! It should start to look promising!

9. Next, separate the zipper sides, it’ll only hurt for a second, I promise ;-)
https://lh6.googleuserconten t.com/-W-KGUmJYbUo/UU3v-KzQtdI/AAAAAAAAE4I/aDQeyQ9j3Uc/s576/IMG_9657.JPG

10.With right sides facing sew the short sides together (you don’t need the zipper foot anymore)
https://lh4.googleuserconten t.com/-lmcI78cekGE/UU3v9Z1FJHI/AAAAAAAAE4A/vgxQ6Ofu6GE/s800/IMG_9656.JPG
(I forgot to separate the zipper before taking the photo)

11. Next, fold your piece so the zipper sides are on the sides (see photo below) and pin along the top of the collar.
https://lh4.googleuserconten t.com/-aI3QF2j2lHo/UU3v_HFORGI/AAAAAAAAE4Q/exy6bHGhl5E/s800/IMG_9658.JPG

12. Sew along the top - make sure you sew over the zipper tape at the beginning and the end.
https://lh5.googleuserconten t.com/-gauKAmvp8Oo/UU3v_nSJcoI/AAAAAAAAE4Y/pOEDPYH0Fk8/s576/IMG_9659.JPG

13. Trim off the excess zipper tape at the top (DO NOT TRIM THE EXCESS AT THE BOTTOM! You need the extra length at the bottom to reassemble the zipper)
You should end up with something like this.
https://lh6.googleuserconten t.com/-__FSg9zrviI/UU3wBa17o6I/AAAAAAAAE4o/G9Lk60bGAOc/s800/IMG_9661.JPG

14. Turn it right side out…
https://lh6.googleuserconten t.com/-RiLAN57sreY/UU3wCJc8agI/AAAAAAAAE40/6pX-LwGfViI/s800/IMG_9662.JPG

15. Refold it and reassemble your zipper
https://lh6.googleuserconten t.com/-iiWsUeVrH_o/UU3wDtEeLmI/AAAAAAAAE5A/PSzAsag8fvo/s576/IMG_9664.JPG

And voila! All done!

Actually almost all done…machine baste all the way around the lower edge of the collar. That way you’re sure your zipper head won’t get pulled off accidentally - it has happened to me and it’s a very traumatic experience I can assure you.

Hope this has helped someone! :cheerful:

08-17-2016, 09:17 PM
It sure helped me. Will be extra careful with the zip.