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View Full Version : ---- Other---- Circle Zip Earbud Pouch Tutorial

02-11-2013, 07:23 PM
--- OTHER --- Circle Zip Earbud Pourch Tutorial (Also Heart Shaped Pouch)

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Pattern Description

This is a tutorial from Erin Erkicson. She has the basic circle shape and the heart shape. I am reviewing both together because the pattern instructions are basically the same - the shape is just different.


Which view and size did you make?
I made both the circle and the heart.

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?
If not, why? I was not able to top stitch as close to my zipper as she did on hers. I used the only batting that I had on hand, and it was too thick. I ironed it between the outer and inner fabrics to flatten it, but I should have found a thinner one or trimmed better.
Were the instructions easy to follow?Yes
If not, why?
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
For me, the pattern was super easy to follow. The instructions were clear and direct.

Fabric used
Quilters cotton.

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made or would recommend
This is not an alteration, but I would pay attention to the grain line of the fabric as she mentions with the heart pattern. You can get distortion with the circle if you don't cut the semi-circles with the grain. I would also use a thin batting and cut it smaller as she suggests.

Would you sew this pattern again?Yes
Would you recommend this pattern to others?
Yes. (I've already made 5 circle shaped and 8 heart shaped.) These are cute and can hold lots of different little things.

Any additional comments