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View Full Version : Design 17 Chef Emil chef's jacket

01-20-2013, 07:11 PM
Size 104-146 cm

Post your pictures and notes about this pattern here! (If you have questions, post those in Material Girls!)

02-20-2013, 04:47 PM
Jacket and hat in smallest sizes 104cm, 52cm on a just turned 3-y.o. (Also did the pants from the outfit).
http://farm9.staticflickr.c om/8104/8492422323_ec5ceb743 5.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/lolopie/8492422323/)
Otto 1/2013 #17 Chef (http://www.flickr.com/photos/lolopie/8492422323/) by LolaT (http://www.flickr.com/people/lolopie/), on Flickr

02-21-2013, 10:24 AM
I just made this jacket, and the pants, hat and a shirt (same logo, different pattern). We are going to the Food Network Food and Wine festival and I will get some pics!

He wore this to a food network event in Miami, and got lots of compliments. Chef Jeff Mauro (the sandwich king guy) did a workshop that ds participated in, and the chef called him "Chef Levi" the whole time. And Andrew Zimmerman gave him a high-five for it (he is the guy who eats bugs)

Jacket was very easy to sew, the only thing I found was that the button placement markings seemed a little off, easy fix though, I just lined up the non-functional buttons with the functional ones.
I put an embroidered patch on front and back.
http://i1292.photobucket.co m/albums/b570/Thelittlesewingshop/costumes/photo_zpsc580525b.jp g
http://i1292.photobucket.co m/albums/b570/Thelittlesewingshop/costumes/100_3857_zps0f68245e .jpg
http://i1292.photobucket.co m/albums/b570/Thelittlesewingshop/costumes/100_3852_zps4e40e323 .jpg

03-19-2013, 01:52 PM
https://lh6.googleuserconten t.com/-CMhadrqJJB0/UUivqFNx2EI/AAAAAAAAA4M/MTUyGBKkk_c/s640/DSC04917.JPG

I also agree that the button placement marks were a wee bit off, but otherwise excellent pattern. size 110.