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View Full Version : Blog tutorial Lil boo blue ruffle skirt

09-29-2012, 01:27 PM
PatternsPattern Manufacturer
Blog tutorial Pattern Name/Number
Lil boo blue ruffle skirt Pattern Description
Cascading ruffle skirt Which view and size did you make?
Size 8 Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?
Yes If not, why?
Yes, and no...I altered the waistband. Were the instructions easy to follow?
Yes If not, why?
- What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
Do not like the yoke attached. I think it takes away from the beauty of the skirt and makes it look cheap. Fabric used
Rayon/cotton jersey Pattern alterations or any design changes you made or would recommend
I lengthened the skirt quite a bit for my 6 year old daughter. I made my skirt pieces 18 long. Eliminated the yoke by cutting a strip of fabric 4 inches by the total finished width of the top of the skirt. I then sandwiched 1.5 inch elastic in that band and attached it to the finished skirt. I LOVE the way it turned out! Would you sew this pattern again?
Yes Would you recommend this pattern to others?
Yes Any additional comments
- Did you SNS what you made from this pattern? If so, add a link to your SNS here.