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06-17-2012, 09:19 PM
https://lh5.googleuserconten t.com/-ByzJ43g44Lk/T96NKp_wOBI/AAAAAAAAAN4/NmKnAtPYgT8/s640/DSC04195.JPG

1/2 yard home decorator weight fabric
fat quarter of fusible fleece (enough for most books)
needle appropriate for fabric (I used a jean needle)
ribbon (optional)
snap or velcro (optional)

1. Trace around book marking where the spine lays. I trace one cover, stand on spine and trace, and flip over to trace back cover. The book I am covering is our song book for church.

https://lh4.googleuserconten t.com/-xNqQYzZgGZk/T96Lyjv__OI/AAAAAAAAAL8/fMEET_Cz5vw/s640/DSC04178.JPG

2. Add 1/2'' seam allowance.

https://lh6.googleuserconten t.com/-ft7j5XzuxDU/T96Lz9KcQAI/AAAAAAAAAME/dnBJXi5APwc/s640/DSC04181.JPG

3. Cut out pattern.

https://lh5.googleuserconten t.com/-uFLLK6y4KhE/T96L3jhkiRI/AAAAAAAAAMM/_L3mKbLpawA/s640/DSC04182.JPG

4. Cut two of pattern out of home decorator weight fabric. Cut one of fusible fleece.

https://lh3.googleuserconten t.com/-J7EcLfzvsV4/T96L9wa1faI/AAAAAAAAAMU/plRbNBQTkq4/s640/DSC04183.JPG

5. Fuse fleece to one fabric piece according to manufacturers directions. Set aside.

https://lh4.googleuserconten t.com/-jBfVkiHcm_4/T96MwfkQhlI/AAAAAAAAANQ/yaaSp6iTFIQ/s640/DSC04190.JPG

6. Trace a line 1'' away from the spine markings on pattern. Fold on this line. Now you have a pattern piece for the flaps.

https://lh4.googleuserconten t.com/-IQJ7cvFJVq8/T96MDX0oEhI/AAAAAAAAAMc/ubHUQkmRY8c/s640/DSC04184.JPG

7. Cut two flaps.

https://lh4.googleuserconten t.com/-dYrVAIeWbNI/T96MKdeADzI/AAAAAAAAAMk/r8qmFXldNhY/s640/DSC04185.JPG

8. Finish raw edge of flap (non-curved edge in this example). I used pinking sheers but you can also serge or zigzag.

https://lh4.googleuserconten t.com/-pDRzClbUHLs/T96MQwlG3VI/AAAAAAAAAMs/eJMC77wGGIA/s640/DSC04186.JPG

9. Fold over 1/2'' on finished edge and stitch.

https://lh6.googleuserconten t.com/-SliC7QGRgWQ/T96MYbYOg8I/AAAAAAAAAM0/oFQ9LadN0cc/s640/DSC04187.JPG

10. Baste flaps to remaining piece with a 1/4'' seam allowance.

https://lh5.googleuserconten t.com/-jrhPHre9F8o/T96Mq1VX0rI/AAAAAAAAANI/NMdoCImQ9bQ/s640/DSC04189.JPG

11. Pin outer (piece with fleece) to inner (with flaps) right sides together. Stitch with a 3/8'' seam allowance, leaving an opening between the two flaps to turn right side out. The difference between the seam allowance you added (1/2'') and the allowance you stitch (3/8'') allows for some room to get insert the book.

https://lh6.googleuserconten t.com/-_8AdXOZ8zAg/T96M1LUTlWI/AAAAAAAAANY/rVXcyKxvJYg/s640/DSC04191.JPG

If you are adding ribbons for book markers, or a flap to snap or velcro, insert between the two layers now.

12. Trim seams and clip corners.

13. Turn, push out corners, and iron seam allowance of opening.

https://lh3.googleuserconten t.com/-9eKm0HXWmvw/T96M6UHbQhI/AAAAAAAAANg/KPKNAcX5BMU/s640/DSC04192.JPG

14. Stitch opening shut.

https://lh6.googleuserconten t.com/-n5YpB_hux_4/T96NBk3lYjI/AAAAAAAAANo/4GZjcgR2ClM/s640/DSC04193.JPG

https://lh4.googleuserconten t.com/-Rlraei9FX8c/T96NFUE4dqI/AAAAAAAAANw/JBR6YsDm-r4/s640/DSC04194.JPG

07-21-2012, 03:16 PM
very nice, thats a great idea.

12-13-2012, 11:57 AM
looks amazing :)

02-24-2013, 07:06 AM
I love this. I think it would be perfect for a personalized journal. This would be a great gift! Thanks for sharing!

07-11-2013, 04:25 AM
Thank you for this beautiful tutorial! :)