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View Full Version : Ottobre design Romantic Dress Design #19

02-29-2012, 11:58 AM
PatternsPattern Manufacturer
Ottobre design Pattern Name/Number
Romantic Dress Design #19 3-07 Pattern Description
Dress with puffed sleeves, gathered waist, full button front with a sweet frill at the neckline. Which view and size did you make?
110 Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?
Yes If not, why?
- Were the instructions easy to follow?
Yes If not, why?
- What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
I havent's mastered shirring yet - the sleeve edges and the pocket tops are shirred. Fabric used
Michael miller cotton. Pattern alterations or any design changes you made or would recommend
I ended up using elastic inside of a bias casing on the sleeves - it worked better that the shirring for me. Would you sew this pattern again?
Yes Would you recommend this pattern to others?
Yes Any additional comments
I made size 110 for my 3 year old (41 inches tall). The length is perfect but it is too big around the waist - needs a ribbon to cinch up the extra. I will lengthen a smaller size next time! Did you SNS what you made from this pattern? If so, add a link to your SNS here.

http://i1225.photobucket.co m/albums/ee386/laurihens/Stash%20Game%20Feb%2 02012/IMG_8642.jpg
http://i1225.photobucket.co m/albums/ee386/laurihens/Stash%20Game%20Feb%2 02012/IMG_8639.jpg
http://i1225.photobucket.co m/albums/ee386/laurihens/Stash%20Game%20Feb%2 02012/IMG_8637.jpg