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View Full Version : Oliver + S Ice Cream Dress

02-07-2012, 11:13 PM
PatternsPattern Manufacturer
Oliver + S Pattern Name/Number
Ice Cream Dress Pattern Description
Girl's dress. Loose-fitting pull-on smock dress. Which view and size did you make?
View A Size 12 Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?
Yes If not, why?
- Were the instructions easy to follow?
Yes If not, why?
The pattern was very detailed. What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
I followed each direction as written, I think I would have simplified some of the steps - such as the hem panel - instead of cutting 4 pieces, I would only cut 2 that were twice the length. This would save a lot of detail work when attaching and would give the same result. Fabric used
Quilting cotton - joanns store line. Unsure of name. Pattern alterations or any design changes you made or would recommend
I would alter the hem panel as listed above. Would you sew this pattern again?
Yes Would you recommend this pattern to others?
Yes Any additional comments
The fit was great, my 11 year old daughter loves it and asked for more. Did you SNS what you made from this pattern? If so, add a link to your SNS here.
- http://i1225.photobucket.co m/albums/ee386/laurihens/Stash%20Game%20Feb%2 02012/IMG_5570.jpghttp://i1225.photobucket.co m/albums/ee386/laurihens/Stash%20Game%20Feb%2 02012/IMG_5568.jpg