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View Full Version : [sew along] Day 2- Ottobre 5/2009 Panties Sew Along

02-02-2012, 08:38 AM
Day 1 (http://www.sewingmamas.com/b/showthread.php?t=153 206)

Day 2
Step 4: Determine grain on your fabric. Think of the grain as parallel lines on fabric. If you cut fabric off grain/against the parallel lines, that fabric will always try to adjust to the parallel lines. If you have ever had a skirt that hung funny after it was made, chances are really good that it was cut off grain. Grain is very important.

Often, with knits, the edges get curled, and it is hard to tell how the grain runs. I use the ribs of the fabric, and I make sure that they are straight. I don't always line up the edges on knits. This helps when you need to cut fabric on a fold, but you don't need the full width of the fabric. Notice how the fabric is lined up with the edge of my ruler. I also line up the fold of my fabric with a line on my cutting mat. That helps me make sure that my fabric will be cut correctly. Make sure that your greatest stretch goes across the width of your pattern. You will need to put these panties on after you sew them so it is important to cut them so that the stretch works with your pattern. When using rayon, bamboo, or some other fabrics, the edge doesn't curl. In those cases, you can just measure the same distance along the length.

When you have your fabric lined up, walk away from it for a while. It needs to rest before you cut the fabric.

Step 5: After your fabric has rested, line up pattern pieces on your fabric. The grainline of the crotch piece (not shown) will line up with the grainlines on the fabric and with the fold.

Step 6: Cut out fabric. I prefer to use a rotary cutter so that I get as close of a cut as possible.

If you are sensitive or if using a textured fabric for the outside, I would suggest cutting one crotch gusset out of your fabric and one out of white jersey (not shown). For directions on this step, see the Hipster tutorial (http://www.sewingmamas.com/b/showthread.php?p=184 9410#post1849410).

Step 7: Mark right side of fabric with a pin or with chalk. If you are using a fabric that doesn't appear to have a right side, pick one side to be the right side. Mark all fabric on that side.

Step 8: Transfer all pattern markings onto the fabric using a washable fabric marker or chalk. You may need to use both kinds as shown.