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View Full Version : Attaching FOE with Binding Bias Tape Foot DL

11-30-2010, 12:00 AM
This one isn't working for me either.

Trying again but my photos aren't showing up.

How to attach fold over elastic using a Binding Bias Tape Foot

This foot is usually used to attach binding to your garment or quilt using one step. But I found that it works well to sew fold over elastic (FOE). So far this works best for me when I sew my FOE on in the flat.

Place the FOE onto the edge of your fabric. Insert this into the attachment with the edge of the FOE touching the right edge of your attachment. Increase your stitch length. I used a stitch length of almost 4. Make sure your needle will enter the FOE close to the left edge but not over the edge. Sew slowly, stretching the FOE and not your fabric as you sew. I stop frequently to make sure I am catching both sides.

http://farm6.static.flickr. com/5010/5226667888_3cc190733 b_z.jpg

http://farm6.static.flickr. com/5209/5226667802_fd0ac3fd2 c_z.jpg

11-30-2010, 10:08 AM
Great tip! I never thought to use a binding foot to attach FOE!

12-02-2010, 10:32 AM
Added in the photos. LMK if I need to change anything to make it downloadable. I guess my pdf photos were too big.