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View Full Version : [sew along] How to copy your favorite diaper...

10-27-2010, 12:39 PM
I pinned a piece of tracing paper up to my bulletin board and carefully stretched out the diaper on the board, using lots of pins and pinning only through the stay dry liner, so as not to poke holes in the waterproof part.

Once the diaper is stretched out and flat to your satisfaction, take a pencil and trace around it. Take the diaper off and true the lines. Fold the tracing in half along the centerline and check to see if it is symetrical. Mine was not, so pick the half that is the closest to your actual diaper and use that as your pattern.

Add cutting lines, snap/touchtape and elastic placement lines to the working half of the pattern.

My next step was to take a folded piece of tracing paper and trace the pattern and markings to give me a full pattern. I ended up with a pattern for the body and for the stretchy wings.

Check the sizing and shape of the pattern against the real diaper:

I did my first diaper with wazoodle pul and steamed velour both of which are stretchy, so just taped the pattern pieces together and made the diaper without the extra tabs. Here is a picture of it ready to be sewed together, the welt pocket opening is done and the pocket opening overlay is inside. I use hem (hair) clips to hold my diapers together for sewing to make a few holes as possible. They work great:

First copy laying with the original:

I sewed the 2nd copy with the stretchy lycra tabs like the original diaper and a diy woven pul. I had to make the elastic tighter than the first diaper because the stiffer fabric didn't gather as well. I have used both of them for 18months (and made many more) and love them!

10-27-2010, 03:44 PM
Very nice, I love the hair clip idea instead of pins!