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View Full Version : seamless waistband tute - in downloads

09-12-2010, 08:30 PM

here goes, i cheated a little and reuse the waistband from this pair of brown cord pants that i upcycled for ds b/c i wanted to keep the jeans button.

this is the pants waistband.

if i was to do this with a hidden print inner. cut 1 waistband from outer fabric(cord/denim), and cut another waistband for the inner (whatever you like).

then right side together, sew the top part(the longest part) together, trim excess SA, open the seam and iron. cut interfacing (i use light interfacing) and fuse it to the waistband. top stitch the top part now so you dont catch the buttonhole elastic when you have to insert it. you will then get the result as the pic above.

then fold the SA towards the wrong side and iron.

the end product of the waistband.

then i hold the waistband all around the pants and mark where i want the buttonhole elastic to be (the white chalk line). do this on the other side of the waistband too.

sew the buttonhole for the buttonhole elastic. make sure you only sew this on the inner waistband

pin the waistband all around the pants, and topstitch. i wanted to upcycle the belt loop too, turned out i didnt like it, so ignore the ones in the pic.

this is how the inside looks. finish the buttonhole at the front of the pants.

for me, i find the trick to sewing this so all layers gets "catched" when sewing is to align the top part of the pants with the folded SA in the waistband, does that make sense?

lastly, thread the buttonhole elastic and sew the button, you cant see the buttons on mine b/c its clear button. how long the elastic depends on your child. for me, i cut the elastics to 9".

i tack down the elastic by sewing at the centre back of the waistband, as you can see in this pic.

i hope this is clear and helps someone.


09-30-2010, 03:12 PM
like the idea of sewing the elastic onto the centre back of waistband. Very smart.

10-06-2010, 07:27 AM
HI http://www.sewingmamas.com/b/images/smilies/hitheresmiley[1].gif
Really useful tute. Thank you