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View Full Version : Design 30 T-shirt with print

11-24-2009, 10:08 AM
Size 98-134 cm

Post your pictures and notes about this pattern here!

02-06-2012, 01:37 PM
http://farm8.staticflickr.c om/7010/6830527705_ea5078151 5_z.jpg

Runs a slight bit short and wide, so you may want to lengthen a smaller size. The pieces themselves fit together great, and it sews up quickly. Great shirt to use up scraps.

02-27-2012, 12:08 PM

ITA with Tanya on all counts-- short, wide, and perfect for scraps.

Mine is modified to have the colorblock in the middle rather than the bottom, as I had only a 1/4yd of the hedgies and wanted to show them off. There is ribbing on the sleeve hems, as I wanted to tie the brown from the collar in to the brown hedgie in the middle a bit more. Overall, a good basics pattern that goes together easily and can be modified endlessly.