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View Full Version : Design 04 Two-in-one dress

11-22-2009, 03:05 PM
Size 62-86 cm

Post your pictures and notes about this pattern here!

01-22-2010, 09:43 PM
It runs pretty wide, but fit so sweetly!

06-13-2010, 08:43 AM
It is cute but b/c of the woven its hard to get on. I made this one for my niece.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff140/mslsews/nieces%20and%20nephe ws/Otto3-082-in-1dress1.jpg

05-15-2011, 12:54 AM
I made this in a size 68cm for my DD. Here are a couple of pics, I love this pattern and have so many lovely comments on this dress.

04-05-2012, 11:27 PM
sews up easily but topstitching the bodice in the small sizes is a bit tricky. I like the elastic straps. I left off the second skirt because I found it too bulky in quilting cotton for a baby but in voile it would be OK. I couldn't read the instructions (my magazine is in dutch) so my order and methods of sewing it up are probably different then intended.
https://lh5.googleuserconten t.com/-BnOUZHfiJvI/T35vgf0JpUI/AAAAAAAAA3Y/43KyY0SkQlc/s640/DSC03874.JPG
https://lh5.googleuserconten t.com/-9AAAcYqbWcc/T35viP7uZFI/AAAAAAAAA3g/GSgTBcToXJM/s640/DSC03875.JPG
https://lh6.googleuserconten t.com/-vhAqpJJulNU/T35vqCNbU9I/AAAAAAAAA3o/I7s3ilbEpfY/s640/DSC03876.JPG

05-22-2012, 09:16 AM
Runs very wide. I made just the top layer with added length as a dress in the size 86. It fits my 4 year old.
https://lh4.googleuserconten t.com/-3HkuRgKsElo/T57dpvVJxOI/AAAAAAAABz4/qzg4IrLWXYE/s732/IMG_2134.JPG
https://lh6.googleuserconten t.com/-ZxEm2p7eAe4/T7uZX76TcFI/AAAAAAAAB1g/tjP-NMIUJJE/s547/IMG_2047.JPG

06-20-2012, 09:02 PM
http://farm6.staticflickr.c om/5336/7410700678_1903a2225 4_z.jpg
http://farm9.staticflickr.c om/8016/7410701302_c5228a8f7 c_z.jpg

I made this in a knit, and changed the attached panty. I detailed what I did in this SNS thread:
http://www.sewingmamas.com/b/showthread.php?p=188 6499#post1886499