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View Full Version : PortabelloPixie Claire pattern

09-01-2009, 03:56 PM
PatternsPattern Manufacturer
Portabello Pixie Pattern Name/Number
The Claire pattern Pattern Description
The Claire pattern includes pieces and instructions for following 4 options in sizes 6-12 months through 8 for girls. The knot dress, 2 pheasent dresses and top. Which view and size did you make?
8 Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?
Yes If not, why?
- Were the instructions easy to follow?
Yes If not, why?
- What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
I liked the style cause it would fit my heavy top child. I didn't like the fact I had to redraft the top to fit her. Once I added the knots the bodice went up way to high making the bodice go right under her armpit. So it didn't fit. Fabric used
Cotton woven Pattern alterations or any design changes you made or would recommend
The bodice is to small and my child measurements where that of a size 8 for her pattern. Her weight was 63 pounds. Would you sew this pattern again?
No Would you recommend this pattern to others?
No Any additional comments
I like it once I redid the top but I should not have had to do that since my dd was the correct measurements and under the weight for size 8.