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07-17-2009, 06:23 PM
How to sew a compact & padded DS lite or DSi Case with 12 clear plastic game pockets
The small print: This case was completely designed by myself after reviewing many pictures/styles of DS cases. I wanted a case that would house all the parts of a DS lite system and pad and protect the main DS unit. I wanted the games visible so my girls would be able to pick which game they wanted with less handling of the games. And I wanted it to be easy to carry, easy to use and be secure. I could not find a case for purchase with all these requirements. I could not find a tutorial, pattern, or picture of anything that I wanted. A few came close, but not close enough. So, I set out to design and make my own. It was originally for my own girls. But after a few people saw what I did, they wanted them too. I made a few for friends as gifts. I am posting this tutorial so that others, who want the same requirements in a portable gaming case, can enjoy it too. I don't mind if you sell what you make in small quantities. It isn't that easy to make these, so I highly doubt that anyone would want to mass produce these for sale, but please don't. And please respect my rights to my creation, and do not sell this as a pattern or tutorial. It is meant to be free for whomever to use for their home/personal sewing. Thank you for understanding and respecting this. Tricia

And for me to give credit, where credit is due....this (http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=2271 05.0) was one of the cases (there were a few similar ones out there) that gave me the basic idea for my design. You can see they are very similar, but I used my own measurements (based on the DS lite system) and designed my flaps and pockets differently.

DS LITE OR DSi CASE (not sure if this works for other portable gaming systems. Let me know if it does! Thanks!)

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/balletdscase211.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/042.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DSCF3631.jpg

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/balletdscase217.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/048.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DSCF3623.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DSCF3619.jpg

http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/balletdscase219.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/046.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DSCF3627.jpg

What you will need:
- fabric (outer & coordinating inner fabric)
- fusible interfacing unless using denim, canvas or other stiff fabric for outer fabric
- quilters batting or fusible fleece
- small strip of FOE in coordinating color
- 1/4 inch double fold bias tape in coordinating color
- Velcro strips (1" width)
- thick flexible plastic that you can sew through (can be purchased by the yard at any fabric store)
- thread

1. large main flap
5.5" x 6.5" of the following:
- 1 of outer fabric
- 1 of inner fabric
- 1 of interfacing
- 1 of quilters batting
1.5" x 6.5" of clear plastic (cut 2)
1/4" bias tape for ends of plastic (don't cut yet, keep as one length as it is easier to work with this way)
1" wide strip of Velcro 6.5" long (plush side)
applique? (if desired....see Darth Vader example above)

2. smaller inside flap
4" x 6.5" of the following:
- 1 of outer fabric
- 1 of inner fabric
- 1 of interfacing
- 1 of batting
1.5" x 6.5" of clear plastic (cut 2)
1/4" bias tape for ends of plastic (don't cut yet, keep as one length as it is easier to work with this way)
1" wide strip of Velcro 6.5" long (loop/hook side)

3. strap
1.25" x 11" of the following (this can certainly be lengthen if desired. 11" gives a cute handle-type strap. You could make it into a shoulder strap or handbag strap if you want. The sky is the limit on strap length! That is, of course, if you have enough fabric to reach the sky. LOL.):
- 1 of outer fabric
- 1 of inner fabric
- 1 of interfacing (optional for extra strength)

4. inner lining of case (5 sides)
4" x 6.5" of inner lining fabric (cut 2)
1.25" x 6.5" of inner lining fabric (cut 1 for bottom panel)
1.25" x 4" of inner lining fabric (cut 2 for side panels)

5. outer body of the case (5 sides)
4" x 6.5" of the following:
- 2 of outer fabric
- 2 of interfacing
- 2 of batting
1.25" x 6.5" of the following for bottom panel:
- 1 of outer fabric
- 1 of interfacing
- 1 of batting
1.25" x 4" of the following for side panels:
- 2 of outer fabric
- 2 of interfacing
- 2 of batting

5a. outer gathered pocket with FOE binding on top
3.5" x 8" of pocket fabric (cut 2)
6" length of FOE (cut 1)

5b. outer side stylus pocket (for 2 stylus)
1.25" x 3.25" of outer fabric (cut 2)
small piece of 1/4 bias tape

5c. putting it all together

Are you scared yet?? LOL. I hope it will all make sense in the following sections.

1/4 inch seam allowance included in above measurements.

REMEMBER: you won't need the interfacing if you are using heavy fabrics such as denim, canvas, home dec, etc. You will need interfacing if you are using lighter fabrics, such as quilter's cotton. You will need the quilters batting regardless. This is what gives the case its pillowy protection factor. I used thinner stuff, but you can use whatever your heart desires. However, the really thick stuff might be harder to turn right side out later on. You could substitute batting for fusible fleece, which would make the whole process easier. I just don't have any, so used batting. I did think it would be ideal to use flannel for the inner lining. Thought it might polish the DS every time it was pulled out and put back in the case. But it may be more likely to collect things that might scratch the unit. I never tried it. Just a thought. If you try it, let us know how you like it. :)

07-17-2009, 06:23 PM
To make it easier for myself (less thinking involved), I made patterns out of cardboard. Here are the pattern pieces. I wrote how much of everything I needed right on the pattern pieces. That way, when I made it again, I wouldn't have to think that much. :)

And all my pieces cut out:

I used a heavy denim for this particular case, so will not go over the use of interfacing in this tutorial. However, it is a simple concept. Simply iron on your interfacing to the outside fabric pieces before starting. So you would do this now before continuing on with the process.

Iron all your fabric pieces before you start. With the plastic sewn on, it can be very difficult and dangerous to iron later on.

Next you will want to prepare your plastic pieces. Sew the 1/4 inch double fold bias tape to the long side of each plastic piece. You will want to do both sides of all 4 pieces.

On my pattern template I marked 1/4 inch on both ends and 2 lines equally spaced in the center. This is your stitching line in the steps to come.

I used a bias binder, but you don't have to if you are careful. Sandwich the plastic between the folds of the bias tape to protect the sharp ends of the plastic. Stitch as close to the edge of the bias tape as you can going through all 3 layers at same time (bias - plastic - bias). I chain stitch the 4 pieces in one continuous strip of bias to save time and make it easier. At the end, you simply cut your plastic pieces apart into the 4 again. Then do the opposite side in the same manner.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase066.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase068.jpg

And here is what your plastic pieces should look like now.


Now is the time to embroider, applique, or embellish how you see fit on your outer fabric of the main flap. I did a Darth Vader applique on this one for a Star Wars fan.

Take your inside main flap piece and sew the fuzzy side of the Velcro strip to one end (across the 6.5" width). Leave slightly more than 1/4 inch seam allowance on the very end.

Then take one of the bound plastic pieces and put that right up against the edge of the Velcro. Stitch along the bias tape only on the Velcro side.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase076.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase078.jpg

Repeat with the other plastic piece, by placing this piece every so slightly (1/16th inch?) away from the other bound plastic.

Use your template with stitching line guide to sew across both plastic pieces. These will be the little pockets for the games.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase082.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase084.jpg

You should now have 6 little pockets. Although the 4 end pockets will still be open on the sides. This will be incorporated into your seams when you sew on the outer fabric piece. It will make sense very shortly.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase086.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase088.jpg

Make a fabric sandwich. Your outer and inner fabrics should be right sides together. The batting should be under the outer fabric. Be sure to line up top to top and bottom to bottom. The Velcro strip is on the bottom.

Stitch along the side, bottom, then side of the sandwich. Go very slowly over the plastic. If your machine is like mine, going too fast will catch the thread on the plastic and skip stitches. You will be leaving the top open to turn right side out. Turn right side out. Top stitch around the same three sides. If you need to iron (I don't), be very careful not to melt your plastic. You can zigzag, overlock stitch or serge the top side closed now to make it less confusing later on. Your main flap is done and should look like this. Set it aside for later.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase097.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase099.jpg

07-17-2009, 06:24 PM
On to the other flap.

Take your inner inner flap piece and attach the plastic pieces in the same way as for the larger flap. Only this time you are NOT attaching the Velcro to the inner fabric piece. Be sure to leave yourself at least 1/4 inch seam allowance. I put my plastic pieces in the center to ensure seam allowance room on either side.

Sew along the bias tape on one side only of each piece. Using your template again, stitch across the plastic pieces to create 6 more game pockets.

Now stitch your loop/hook side of your Velcro strip onto the OUTER fabric piece along one 6.5" edge about 3/4 inch from the edge.

Make another fabric sandwich with your outer and inner fabrics right side together and you batting on the bottom of the outer fabric. This is the tricky part... Make sure the Velcro side is the top and the opening of the pockets are up too. The opening of the pockets on the inner fabric should be pointing toward the Velcro strip outer fabric. This is opposite of the large main flap above.

Stitch around the 3 sides (side - bottom - side). The top side is the Velcro side on this flap. Leave it open to turn your flap right sides out. Top stitch, going very slowly over the plastic. Zigzag, overlock or serge the top side shut. Your smaller inside flap is now done. Put aside for later.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase106.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase109.jpg

This picture shows the position of the pockets in relation to the Velcro.

Iron 1/4 inch fold along each long edge of your strap pieces.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase115.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase117.jpg

Place them wrong sides together lining up edges as much as possible. Stitch 1/8 inch or less on each side. For lighter weight fabrics, I like to do a series of longitudinal stitches for extra strength. I do this by stitching 1/8 inch from the previous stitch line over the entire width. You end up with about 7 stitching rows. I did this for the other cases above. The denim was too thick for this, and I liked it better with just one stitching line on each side. You can make your straps however you like.

Put your strap aside for later.

07-17-2009, 06:24 PM
You should now have 2 flaps and a strap. We are getting closer!

Lay out your pieces to get an idea of how this goes together. It is the same technique as bags/purses this shape. If you have made these before, you will find this easy.

There is likely more than one way to do this, maybe even an easier way, but I will describe how I did it.
I sew the front & back pieces to the bottom first, right sides together.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase153.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase155.jpg

Then I sew the side pieces onto one of the larger rectangles, right sides together.

Then I sew the bottom to the sides, right sides together.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase159.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase161.jpg

You should now have a fabric box that is inside out.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase163.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase165.jpg

Put this aside for later.

When the case is all packaged up and shut, this pocket will be visible. Feel free to embellish your outer pocket fabric piece however you see fit. This one has a Star Wars applique. Baste the front and back fabric pieces wrong sides together at the top with a single line of stitches about 1/8 inch from the top. Then increase your stitch length and decrease your tension to create gathering stitches on the bottom. Here I have 2 rows of stitching at the bottom for gathering.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase131.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase133.jpg

You want your FOE along the top to be fairly snug. This will hold the cords in place when they are inside the gathered pocket. If it is too lose, the cords will fall out when the case is carried. It is better to be a little too snug than a little too lose. You may need to play with your FOE to see how much you actually want to sew on to get that tightness you need when it is stretched. This is about right for the FOE that I used (about 5.5" long when relaxed). It is shown here against the main outer body piece that it will be sewn onto.

Sew your FOE onto the top of the pocket. Start by sewing several stitches to anchor it, then stretch it across to the other side while you continue to sew. I sew the backside (the side that will be inside the pocket) first. Then I fold over and sew the outer side (side that will be visible) down as close to the edge as possible.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase137.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase139.jpg

Place your FOE bound pocket on top of your outer body piece. Match the bottom edges, leaving room for seam allowance at the top. Pin each side of the FOE bound pocket into place.

Gather the bottom edge by pulling the threads. Once it fits the outer body piece, pin in place and even out your gathers. Baste along the bottom about 1/8 inch.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase143.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase145.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase147.jpg

Baste the sides about 1/8 inch to prevent the FOE from slipping until everything is put together.

You are now done your gathered pocket. Put it aside for later.


Place 2 stylus pocket pieces wrong sides together. Stitch bias tape to top to cover end. It is much easier to use a longer bias strip than you need and just cut off the excess after you sew it. Be sure to sew through all 4 layers (bias - fabric - fabric - bias)

Place this bound piece on top of the right side of the outer body side panel piece. Match the bottom edges up. The bias will be offset from the top and this is how you want it. Sew down the center.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase123.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase125.jpg

It should now look like this:
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase127.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase129.jpg

Set this aside for later.

Now you are all set to put it all together!! Yippee!!

07-18-2009, 10:31 AM
Are you ready? This is the tricky part!


I hope I can explain this well. Study the pictures, they will likely help more than the words. Main thing is to keep your orientation, pin lots and double check placement before actually sewing. I have had to rip stitches b/c I sewed the flaps on wrong a few times. It is very easy to get disoriented. The smaller inside flap is the worst. Take a deep breath and go for it! :)

By now you should have the following pieces:
- large outer flap
- smaller inside flap
- strap
- lining (the inside out fabric box)
- stylus pocket attached to outer side piece and batting
- gathered pocket attached to outer fabric piece and batting
- a second outer fabric piece and batting
- a second outer side piece and batting
- a outer bottom piece and batting
Still with me? It should look something like this when all laid out (except I forgot to include the strap in this picture. You can kind of see it in the upper left corner. And the lining in the upper right corner. I should have taken a better picture, sorry.):

Place the smaller flap on top of the outer fabric piece with nothing on it. You want about 1/4 inch on either side for your seam allowance, so place carefully in the center. Baste about 1/8 inch from the edge, as you don't want this thread to show through later. Stitch it such that the plastic side is toward the right side of the outer fabric piece. The Velcro should be closer to the basted edge.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase175.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase177.jpg

Make a fabric sandwich with the outer pocket piece and the bottom side piece. Place the pieces right sides together and the batting on the wrong side. Stitch through all layers (batting - fabric - pocket piece and its 3 layers - batting) using 1/4 inch seam allowance.

Make a fabric sandwich using this pocket piece and the smaller flap piece. Match up the bottom edge. You will be sewing the bottom of the flap to the outer bottom panel. Stitch all layers using 1/4 inch seam allowance.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase179.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase181.jpg

It should now look like this when laid out:

Next baste on your larger flap. Place this on the top of your outer pocket piece with outer flap against outer pocket. The plastic should be facing up. Baste at 1/8 inch.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase187.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase185.jpg

It should now look like this when laid out:

Flip up your small flap. Pin the side pieces on the outer fabric piece as shown in the picture. Be sure to include your side panel batting too.

Do this with your stylus pocket side piece too. Be sure to place the bias of the stylus pocket upward as shown in the picture. Always be aware of your tops and bottoms. It is so easy to get disoriented doing this.

Now fold your case together. The flaps will be on the inside. Line up the side panel pieces with the gathered pocket piece sides. Using 1/4 inch seam allowance, stitch with right sides together as if your were making the box, just like you did for your lining (remember this?). It is essentially the same thing, although you have your flaps in the middle making everything that much more difficult. Stitch the bottom to the side panels as you did with the lining. You should now have a box with 2 flaps, one on the top and one on the bottom.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase195.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase197.jpg

You are now ready to baste on your straps. Position them on the tops of the side panels. Baste at 1/8 inch. Make sure your strap is not twisted.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase199.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b2/breysmama/DS%20case%20tut/balletdscase201.jpg

We are almost done! We just have to add the lining. This is the most annoying part. LOL.

07-18-2009, 10:31 AM
Are we ready to finish this up?

Turn your main piece inside out and your lining right side out (opposite of how it will end up). On your main piece, stuff the flaps and strap in as much as possible and keep them away from the top, except for the raw basted edges that will be incorporated into the lining. Stuff the lining into the main piece to place right sides together. Something like this:

With right sides together, match up side to side and front to front and back to back. Pin or baste.

Stitch the lining in place using 1/4 inch seam allowance. Leave about 2" - 3" along one side to allow you to turn it right side out again.

After squishing everything through this 2" hole (the annoying part) and turning it right sides out, push the lining down into the proper postition. Hand sew the hole closed using ladder stitch (http://www.embroiderersguil d.com/stitch/stitches/ladder.html)closed. Top stitch around the opening to keep the lining in place and to look nice. And ta da.......you are done! Congrats!! :)


Now was that so hard!! LOL.

If you liked this tutorial, donate $5 to your favorite charity! :)

07-18-2009, 05:29 PM
Thanks for posting this!

07-19-2009, 10:35 PM
Thank you so much doing this! I have made my girls each one (so three) but used just elastic to hold the games in & just isn't quite cutting it for my younger ones (more rough & tumble). I'll have to try this next time!

07-20-2009, 08:18 PM
Thank you - I am going to add this to the downloads!

07-21-2009, 11:46 AM
That is great, thanks

07-21-2009, 11:53 AM
That is very cool. Good job I like that pattern.

08-28-2009, 10:34 AM
I love this, thanks!

08-28-2009, 01:42 PM
Great thanks so much for sharing! I was just thinking about how I was going to make ds cases for my nephews and brother and sister

08-29-2009, 07:56 AM
That is so cute. The one I made (for my granddaughter) is shaped like a small childs purse with a wrist strap. I didn't use any trim around or between the game slots. I also made a small case to hold a couple of the gameboy advance games and extra stylus to match.

01-10-2010, 05:25 PM
Fabulous - I can't believe how much work you must have put into this. I made one for the ds *I* got for Christmas. Dang. That was an interesting sewing project. :p But, I've gotten tons of compliments!

01-10-2010, 05:26 PM
Awesome, awesome, awesome! Thanks for sharing!

01-10-2010, 05:54 PM
Thanks so much for posting this I will need to make one for my daughters DSi

08-19-2010, 10:09 PM
I wish I had found this sooner! Going to a birthday party tomorrow. I will save it for later though, ds might get one for his birthday, or christmas.
Thanks for sharing, it looks great.

09-04-2010, 04:02 PM
This looks fantastic. I will have to make one and show the outcome. My daughter will love it. Thanks so much for sharing. Your very talented to have created this yourself!:)